How flexible are your joints?
Do you know the factors that play a part in equine joint health?
As we are sure the majority of us here in the UK have noticed, the weather has been a little temperamental recently, with major cold snaps bringing in snow and ice, then thawing out to near (or over in some areas!) double figures within a matter of days – and now bringing in rain and a more chilly outlook.. we, as horse owners, know all too well the perils this can bring. Not only to our pastures, trying to keep them mud free and allow for as much turnout as possible, but also our horses well being, and making sure they have the correct balance of everything they need, from forage, to exercise, time out of the stable, the correct rug, it can be a lot to keep track of! All the while, the weather can be playing a part in our horses joints and how flexible they are feeling, from temperature changes, to more time in the stable – the joints often feel the brunt this time of year.

What else can cause wear and tear?

In all mammals, joints can experience wear and tear, which can be increased as the level of output during exercise is increased. Horse owners will be familiar with this feeling, it can sometimes take a little while to get moving on the cold mornings, can’t it?
Jokes aside, our horses spend a significant amount of time on their feet, whilst also enduring harder work than some mammals, their joints can often feel affected and less flexible, and it may be before we spot the signs. Horses can be quite the dab hand at masking issues and just getting on with the job, which is why it is suggested to look to protect joints with the help of feeding a supplement.
How to know when to use a joint product?
It is recommended to provide daily joint care for all teenage horses and beyond, but don’t let that be a precursor to writing off our teenage steeds! Our partnerships with our horses and their workload can stretch well into their teens and sometimes even further than that. The recommendation comes from the age and time the joints have been spent under load and working, as an average. By feeding a joint supplement, we are simply helping the horses joints, help themselves to support normal function, feel more flexible and hopefully aid longevity.
Take a look at our vast range of joint care, here
When to know its time to use a product for Equine Senior Joint Care?

As our horses begin to feel their age a little more, they can show signs of stiffness and discomfort, feeling a little less flexible, this can be variable depending on their age, breed, and working life. Other variables to consider include, turnout, how much time the horse is spent stood in their stable, the ground conditions, the weather – it can be quite a minefield, we always recommend discussing any concerns with your vet if you notice any changes.
Tips for senior joint care:
- Allow additional time for warming up and cooling down (don’t forget to cool down!)
- Try to keep the type of work and surfaces ridden on, as varied as possible. Even if that is alternating school and hacking, or changing up your hacks for a mixture of surfaces.
- Avoid riding on extreme surfaces, eg hard frosted arena, or a deep wallowy surface.
- Allow for as much turnout as possible, with the appropriate rugs and shelter.
- Feed a senior joint supplement daily.