Update from Stacey
So since my last blog I've been here there and everywhere! CSI* Chepstow was at the beginning of May and for my first international it was a huge success! Sharapova picked up 11th in the Silver Tour and a 7th in the Gold Tour Accumulator and Ninola got 13th and a 5th in the Silver Tour! We also jumped our first ever Grand Prix with just a few poles but such an amazing experience. I've also not long come back from Allington CSI* with Sharapova, unfortunately no placings but invaluable experience gained including another Grand Prix under our belt with just one down.

Trot Up at Arena UK

International Plaques
In between the international shows we've been at our usual local ones, and all the horses are on fire! Every show we've been to one of the horses has had a win and we've picked up other placings too, it's been a fantastic start to the summer season.

All the horses have been fed the LexveT B1 Cool Mix supplement, looking and feeling fantastic.Also Gigant and Sharapova have been on Maxavita Maxaflex and they feel much more supple, thanks to Supplement Solutions for finding these great products for us!

East League Table
Our HOYS campaign has begun, Gigant jumped clear in the first round of the HOYS Foxhunter Regional, this weekend we have the HOYS Newcomers regional with Gigant and Sharapova, but for the Silver HOYS league I'm currently in the top 15 east league with Gigant and Wendy, if we are still there by the end of the month we will be eligible for the HOYS Silver league qualifier! So keeping everything crossed!
Let's hope my next update brings good HOYS news!