
Pro Sportive Chill Calmer 1.4kg (Equine)

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Chill provides effective ingredients to aid in the reduction of anxiety and undesirable behaviour in the equine species. Such behaviour has been linked to a lack of magnesium in the diet. Chill provides magnesium from two distinct sources to ensure optimal uptake and utilisation. Tryptophan may also help reduce undesirable behaviour by working in the brain to produce serotonin which promotes a feeling of well-being, calm, and relaxation.
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What Chill does: Chill provides effective ingredients to assist horses displaying undesirable behaviour, or who are showing signs of worry. Such behaviour has been linked to a lack of magnesium in the diet. Chill provides magnesium from two distinct sources to ensure optimal uptake and utilisation. Tryptophan may also help reduce undesirable behaviour by working in the brain to produce serotonin which promotes a feeling of wellbeing, calm, and relaxation. Chill is effective and safe for use in horses of all ages in helping to reduce troublesome behaviour, excitability and anxiety in a range of environments

What Chill contains:

  • Magnesium: Provided from two sources to ensure optimal absorption and effectiveness and important function in the transmission of nervous impulses along with calcium.
  • L Tryptophan: Tryptophan has been linked with increased serotonin levels in the brain.
  • Vitamin B6: Thought to work alongside magnesium.

Why buy Chill: - Chill may help to reduce excitability and stress whilst aiding concentration. - Box rest can be a stressful time for horse, Chill may help them relax and be happier when confined for long periods. - Chill is ideal for horses gaining confidence in hacking on the road. - Chill may be particularly effective for horses which do not travel or load especially well. - Chill does not detract from competitive performance.

More Information
Brand Pro Sportive
Presentation Powder
Applicator/ Dispenser No Applicator included
Size 1.4kg
My Product Must Be... Free From Prohibited Substances
My Horse Is... Excitable
Ingredients Label Tryptophan, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Nicotinic Acid, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Calcium.
Key Ingredients B Vitamins, L-Tryptophan, Magnesium
L-Tryptophan mg/kg or mg/litre 100,000
Magnesium mg/kg or mg/litre 36,000
Instructions for use Small < 14 hands (142cm) Less than 400 Kg = 1 ½ scoops (22.5g)
Medium 14-16 Hands (143-162cm) 400-600Kg = 2 Scoops (30g)
Large >16 Hands (163+cm) 600 Kg or more = 3 Scoops (45g)

One scoop = 15g
Maintenance Feeding Rate (average size animal) 2 scoops per day (30g)
How long will it last (days)? 47 Days
Approx cost per day 39p
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